
In case you missed it, Team Joni unveiled a new video this morning highlighting the hypocritical and deceptive talking points Theresa Greenfield spewed during last week’s debates. 

WATCH: Theresa Greenfield: Unplugged and Untruthful

It quickly became clear that Greenfield is completely unprepared and cannot be trusted. Her campaign is not an Iowa campaign -- she refuses to be upfront with Iowans and repeats deceptive talking points handed down to her by special interests and Chuck Schumer. Even members of her own party have had enough:

“She says she wants to end corruption, but she’s taking corrupt money,” Eddie Mauro said. He would later go on to say, “You can’t tell people, smile at people and tell them you’re not taking corporate PAC money, when you’re taking tens of thousands of dollars of corporate PAC money.”

Democrats agree: Greenfield’s blatant hypocrisy and deceptive talking points prove Iowans cannot trust her. 


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