
Chuck Schumer’s handpicked candidate Theresa Greenfield’s hypocrisy has been exposed this week and her Democratic opponents are not happy.
Yesterday, Michael Franken released a video and a column calling out Greenfield’s hypocrisy after Chuck Schumer’s super PAC spent over $1 million on TV ads to prop up her campaign. As Franken’s team points out, Greenfield has been trying to have it both ways, railing against corporate, special interest and dark money with “proposals” -- yet quietly signaling to outside groups and benefiting from dark money. 
In Franken’s column, he calls on Greenfield “to honor the anti dark money pledge we all swore and disavow such craven interference in our primary election. She must demand that Senate Majority PAC pull her ad before it hits the air.”
With two events tonight, Franken will have the opportunity to speak his mind and answer some critical questions.
Here’s where you can find him tonight:
Visit to Union County Democrats
5:00 – 6:30 PM
211 W Adams St.
Creston, IA 
Visit to Adair County Democrats
7:00 – 8:30 PM
Hotel Greenfield
110 E Iowa St.
Greenfield, Iowa


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