
DES MOINES - Iowa GOP Spokesman Luke Wolff released the following statement in response to Biden dropping out of the 2024 race and the coronation of Kamala Harris by the Democrat elites:

"For years, we have heard the common quip from Democrats that 'Republicans and Donald Trump are a threat to democracy', over and over again with the Mainstream Media echoing their baseless charges. Yet, now and over the past several weeks, we have seen who is really undermining democracy:

The Democratic Party.

Let's rewind a few years to the 2020 presidential election, where now-presumptive presidential nominee Kamala Harris was running for president. After a year of campaigning and gaining no traction, she dropped out before the Iowa caucus (when Iowa Democrats were still First in the Nation alongside Iowa Republicans), thereby giving her a total of ZERO primary votes.

Fast forward to 2024. Biden and the Democrat elites rig the system, rip away First in the Nation from the Iowa Democrats, and head to South Carolina first, where Joe Biden had his first primary victory back in 2020. Over the course of the primary election, Biden received roughly 14 million votes. 

Now, instead of holding an open convention or any sort of transparent process, Democrat party bosses and their billionaire donors are hand-picking Harris to be their nominee. As a result, the Democratic party is disenfranchising 14+ million voters of their OWN Democratic party who supported Biden and expected him to be their official nominee.

Iowa Democrats doubled down and celebrated this decision. They have absolutely no shame in supporting the same machine that forced them to bend a knee when Biden stomped on Iowa's First in the Nation tradition, and are now pledging their delegates to a coronated candidate who, in case we forgot, still has not received a single vote in any presidential primary election.

Democrats need to look in a mirror before they continue. How is this not undermining democracy? How is this by any means a democratic process? The Black Lives Matter Twitter page says it best: 'Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.' Bottom line: Kamala Harris is an appointed nominee, and an accidental presidential candidate."


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