Democrats Try "Scrappy Farm Kid" Strategy - Again
This morning, another Iowa Democrat announced a run for U.S. Senate, trying to go with the "scrappy farm kid" theme. Just like Iowans rejected Theresa Greenfield's "scrappy farm kid" strategy, they'll see right through this ploy too.
While candidates on the Iowa Democrat's ticket like to say they're for farmers, families and rural Iowa, in reality they're in lock step with the radical agenda of AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer.
"Our farmers and rural communities can't afford the policies of today's Democrat Party. No matter how many times Iowa Democrats try to dress up issues like the Green New Deal, open borders, or expanding government regulation, Iowans will see right through their disingenuous theater," said Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann. "No matter how many times they try, Iowa Democrats can't put lipstick on a pig."