Greenfield Engages in Cover-Up to Hide Her Disastrous Real Estate Record from Iowa Voters
DES MOINES, Iowa -- A new digital ad from Team Joni has exposed the cover-up scheme Theresa Greenfield has carried out in order to hide her shady record as a real estate executive. Greenfield scrubbed her website, removing any mention of her time at Rottlund Homes and Colby Interests. Reminder:
NEW VIDEO: Scrubbed Not only has Greenfield tried to hide her past from Iowans by scrubbing these details from her website, but she has also been hiding from Iowa small business owners. It has been over a month since nearly a dozen small businesses sent Greenfield a letter demanding answers on her disastrous record, but she still hasn’t explained this important part of her past. “The evidence speaks for itself: Theresa Greenfield is engaged in a cover-up because she doesn’t want Iowans to know about her deeply troubling business record,” said Aaron Britt Communications Director for the Republican Party of Iowa. “This scheme to cover-up her past will catch up to her. The more they get to know about her, the more Iowans know they can’t trust Two-Faced Theresa.” See for yourself: BEFORE: Greenfield’s “About” Page December 2019
AFTER: Greenfield’s “About” Page March 2020 ### |