
DES MOINES -- Democrats’ reaction to the death of known terrorist Qasem Soleimani has reached a new low. Over the weekend, Elizabeth Warren questioned whether President Trump’s decision to kill this terrorist leader had anything to do with the Democrats’ impeachment charade.
Warren, who seemingly has nothing bad to say about the notorious terrorist, isn’t the only Democrat campaigning in Iowa to have an appalling reaction to the death of a mastermind of heinous attacks on U.S. citizens. Three candidates in the Iowa Senate Democratic primary -- Eddie Mauro, Michael Franken, and Kimberly Graham -- released statements expressing regret for the President’s “reckless actions.” But what about Chuck Schumer’s handpicked candidate, Theresa Greenfield?
If you happen to see Greenfield outside of the windowless basement, it’s worth asking: Does she agree with Warren’s “head-turning” question over whether Soleimani’s death is an attempt to distract from impeachment?

"Blind, partisan hatred for President Trump is on full display, with Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats now questioning whether the president killed a gruesome terrorist to distract from their impeachment sham. Iowans deserve to know if Theresa Greenfield aligns with the outrageous comments from the far-left." -- Iowa GOP Spokesman Aaron Britt


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