
Theresa Greenfield is under fire this week after 11 Iowa small business owners drew attention to her dismal record as a failed real estate executive.

In a letter sent to Greenfield on Tuesday, the small business owners questioned her commitment to Iowans and protecting small businesses, given her history of evicting tenants to make way for a multinational corporation.

READ MORE: Small Business Owners in Iowa Send Letter to Greenfield Demanding Answers

Iowa business owners are seeing right through her Chuck Schumer talking points. “As small business owners, and as Iowans, we are deeply troubled by your record as president of the Des Moines real estate firm Colby Interests of evicting small businesses here in our state to make room for a multinational corporation. This is particularly concerning given your repeated claims as a candidate for U.S. Senate to be a friend of small businesses,” the letter reads.

Two-Faced Theresa likes to tout her record as the president of a small business, but in reality, her company was repeatedly sued for fraud, shoddy work, and missing payments -- and eventually, the business folded.

Bottom Line: Despite her attempts to deceive Iowans, Greenfield’s record speaks for itself: She has a history of putting profits over people. Iowans can’t trust Two-Faced Theresa.


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