
DES MOINES — Today, Trump Victory and the Republican Party of Iowa held a roundtable with Iowans to discuss the positive impact President Trump’s booming economy has had on their small businesses.

Under Republican leadership, the economy is shattering records. Iowa’s unemployment rate is at 2.4 percent — tied for the lowest in history.

And in July, the labor market added 164,000 new jobs, marking the 106th consecutive month of positive job growth — the longest period on record.

These aren’t just numbers — Iowans are directly reaping the benefits of the booming economy. Anthony Marlowe, CEO of MCI in Iowa City, said he had 400 employees on the night of President Trump’s election. Now his business has over 2,000. 

Wally Peld, owner of Pelds Engineering in Des Moines, said, “There are times when we feel like we can’t keep up — the economy is doing so well.”

Yet Democrats voted against tax cuts and have obstructed President Trump at every turn. What’s more, they continue touting a socialist, tax-hiking agenda that would kill jobs and cripple our economy. For example, the Green New Deal would cost an estimated $93 trillion, requiring a 70 percent tax rate to PARTIALLY fund it.

The destructive agenda of 2020 Democrats already has Iowans concerned. Brook Doheny, owner of Next Generation Realty in Des Moines, said, “People are saying they want to sell now because they don’t know what’s going to happen in 2020.” She later commented, “When [2020 Democrats] say they are against [President Trump], it is telling me they are against what is building me up, what is building my family up . . . I know what they are against, but I don’t know what they are for.”

While Democrats continue adding to their long history of resistance and obstruction, small business owners in Iowa are thriving under President Trump’s leadership.


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