Press Releases
ICYMI: Iowa GOP Delegation Responds To FBI Raid At Mar-a-Lago
On Monday, the FBI raided President Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence - proving Democrats, the White House, and the Department of Justice will do anything to stop their political rivals. ###
Tom Miller's Taxpayer Supported Slush Fund
Under the leadership of Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller as President of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), NAAG has been taking taxpayer dollars and directing the cash to a...
ICYMI: Bird says she would challenge Biden administration on climate rules
Globe Gazette | August 3, 2022 "Iowa’s Republican nominee for attorney general Brenna Bird said, if elected, she would challenge the Biden administration on various executive and administrative rules around...
Bohannan's Action Show Her Hypocrisy On Public Schools
Yesterday, Christina Bohannan told KCII Radio that she "owes her life" to "strong public education." However, Iowans know actions speak louder than words. Bohannan sends her daughter to a private...
Iowans Deserve Real Answers From Axne
When it comes to important votes, Cindy Axne is known for keeping Iowans in the dark and then stabbing them in the back. Yesterday, Fox News reported that Cindy Axne refused to...
Kaufmann: DNC Early State Discussions Lose Legitimacy
Yesterday, POLITICO reported that the White House made their preference "clear" when it came to delaying the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee decision on the early state window for the...
Iowa GOP's Strong Numbers
Over the weekend, the Iowa GOP hit a major milestone in their effort to turn Iowa completely red: 1,000,000 voter contacts. Through these conversations with voters, one thing is clear:...
Axne's Past Comments Comeback to Haunt Her
Cindy Axne is a flip-flopping hypocrite.An old video from Axne's first race in 2018 has resurfaced and proves she's become what she used to bemoan - a D.C. bureaucrat, bought...
Iowa GOP Statement on Recession
Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann released the following statement in response to the recession:"Iowans are seeing the detrimental consequences of electing Democrats: a full-blown recession. We must put a...
ICYMI: Franken's Harsh Words For Iowans
On Friday, Mike Franken tweeted some harsh words for Iowans that disagree with him - calling them "unknowing accomplices to the treasonous," and calling for those Iowans to be confronted: ...