New report confirms Iowa Democrats are raking in coastal cash
Coastal cash is pouring into Democratic campaigns right here in Iowa
DES MOINES -- A new report has confirmed what we already knew: Coastal cash is pouring into Democratic campaigns right here in Iowa. “Donors from New York, California and elsewhere have been shelling out cash for candidates in the Hawkeye State,” the report says.
READ MORE: Coastal donors plow cash into Iowa campaigns
Here are some of the highlights:
Theresa Greenfield received more in big donations from New York than she did from Iowa in 2019
Some of her biggest New York donors: Former Obama administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch, investment banker and Democratic insider Roger Altman, liberal megadonor George Soros and his son, Jonathan Soros
Vulnerable Rep. Abby Finkenauer took in more contributions from California than she did from Iowa in 2019
Last year, J.D. Scholten raised nearly *twice* as much from donors in California than he did from donors in Iowa
Iowa Democrats are clearly benefiting from the dark and out-of-state money flooding into this state. While this might help their tough election bids, they have time and again prioritized their elitist liberal donors from California and New York over Iowans.
For example, not only has Greenfield skipped forums for fundraisers, but Reps. like Abby Finkenauer have taken numerous votes that do not reflect the will of Iowans are Iowa values -- like voting for impeachment and voting against legislation that would penalize the intentional killing of infants who survive an abortion.
It’s clear that with all the out-of-state money these Democrats are accepting, they no longer have Iowans’ best interests at heart.