RPI Statement on the Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett
Americans overwhelmingly support Judge Barrett’s confirmation
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann praised President Trump and Senate GOP leaders, including Sens. Ernst and Grassley, on voting to confirm their third Supreme Court justice in four years:
“President Trump once again upheld his promise to appoint judges who are committed to deciding cases based on written law and the Constitution, not activists who would legislate from the bench. Like Sen. Ernst said, Judge Barrett is an inspiration to young women everywhere and has truly shown what a mom can do. She is exceptionally well-qualified, receiving resounding praise from colleagues and scholars. I congratulate Judge Barrett on her confirmation, and applaud President Trump and Sens. Ernst and Grassley on filling this vacancy.
“Americans overwhelmingly support Judge Barrett’s confirmation, yet Democrats like Theresa Greenfield have politicized the process -- doing a terrible disservice to the American people. Greenfield supported Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s efforts to obstruct and resist the confirmation process, and she followed his lead on packing the court, telling Iowa voters everything they need to know: Greenfield would be a reliable vote for Schumer and the Democrats’ agenda. Her partisan response to this process is yet another reason why Iowans simply can’t trust Theresa.”