RPI Statement on the Senate Judiciary’s Vote on Judge Amy Coney Barrett
Chairman Jeff Kaufmann released the following statement applauding Sens. Ernst and Grassley
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann released the following statement applauding Sens. Ernst and Grassley for voting Judge Amy Coney Barrett out of the Judiciary Committee:
“While Theresa Greenfield’s liberal allies pout, Sens. Ernst and Grassley showed up for work and voted to advance Judge Amy Coney Barrett, an exceptionally well-qualified nominee, to a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate. I applaud President Trump, who made an undeniably outstanding choice in nominating Judge Barrett, and commend Sens. Ernst and Grassley for working swiftly to confirm her to the U.S. Supreme Court. It’s time for Democrats to quit playing politics, stop the partisan attacks, and be upfront with voters on where they stand on packing the court with liberal activist judges.”