
DES MOINES -- As day three of impeachment proceedings get underway in the Senate, Chuck Schumer’s handpicked candidate Theresa Greenfield’s silence on the issue is deafening -- so deafening that people are starting to take note. Every Iowa Democrat has fallen in line with the establishment and embraced impeachment, yet Greenfield is still dodging. 

Cindy Axne claimed “I got a lump in my throat” when she fell in line and voted for impeachment. 

Abby Finkenauer said her decision to vote for impeachment was “never about politics,” but when it was over, Pelosi handed out pens like trophies for her Democratic colleagues. 

Dave Loebsack said voting for impeachment was “a somber moment.”

Kimberly Graham, in typical Kimberly fashion, tweeted that she demonstrated “in support of impeachment and removal.”

Eddie Mauro has a whole page on his website dedicated to impeachment. How refreshing.

Michael Franken made it clear he supports impeachment and supports the swamp-politics of Pelosi and Schumer.

If this is truly a serious and somber issue for Democrats, why hasn’t establishment candidate Theresa Greenfield said so? Iowans deserve to know if she supports disrupting the 2016 & 2020 elections, especially if she’s going to use it to fundraise. It’s past time she was upfront with Iowans as to where she stands on this top priority for Senate Democrats. 


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