
While Theresa Greenfield seems to typically follow her party boss, Chuck Schumer’s, advice to stay  in a windowless basement raising money, this Sunday, Greenfield will make a rare appearance in Milford to attend a meet and greet with Dickinson County Democrats.
One of the last times Greenfield surfaced from Schumer’s windowless basement, it didn’t go very well. We now know, just like Joe Biden, she is prone to gaffes — making an embarrassing “no I’m not you are” remark when she was confronted about being a socialist.
Given this might be one of the few times Greenfield makes herself accessible, it would be a unique opportunity to get answers from her on the issues Democrats are focusing on like socialized medicine, the Green New Deal, and impeachment. 
WHO: Theresa Greenfield, Dodgeball star & Dem candidate for U.S. Senate
WHAT: Dickinson County Democrats Meet and Greet
WHERE: Milford Community Building, Milford, Iowa
WHEN: Sunday, November 10, 7 PM - 8 PM


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