
Yesterday during a special meeting, the Central Committee of the Republican Party of Iowa voted to approve the Caucus-to-Convention schedule for the 2024 election cycle.

Having already set next year's caucus date for January 15th, the Central Committee approved the following county, district, and state convention dates:

  • February 17: County Conventions
  • April 6: District Conventions
  • May 4: State Convention 

In response to the Central Committee approving the 2024 Caucus-to-Convention schedule, Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann released the following statement:

"The Republican Party of Iowa remains steadfastly committed to preserving our half-century-old First-in-the-Nation Caucus and building on our traditions of grassroots democracy in action across all 99 counties.

"We are excited for the Republican presidential primary process to play out, and look forward to rallying behind our eventual nominee to put an end to the nightmare that is the Biden presidency come November 2024."

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