NEW: FEC Acknowledges Complaint Against Greenfield Illegally Coordinating with Outside Groups
Greenfield has engaged in a clear pattern of illegal campaign activity
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Recently, failed Des Moines real estate executive Theresa Greenfield was once again caught engaging in illegal campaign activity, breaking the law by coordinating with outside groups and benefitting from nearly $1 million in dark money spending.
The FEC has officially acknowledged the complaint, meaning Greenfield’s campaign will be forced to respond to the allegations that they were caught red-handed blatantly providing dark money groups, including Chuck Schumer’s super PAC, with messaging to use in their false campaign ads.
This is just the latest development in what has been a long history of illegal activity from Greenfield and her liberal allies. Greenfield’s first run for office ended after she was kicked off the ballot for felony election fraud, she was hit with a different illegal coordination complaint in March, and most recently, she was caught accepting excessive campaign contributions.
“Theresa Greenfield has engaged in a clear pattern of illegal campaign activity,” said Aaron Britt, Communications Director for the Republican Party of Iowa. “With two weeks until Election Day, Greenfield must be upfront and honest about her history of blatantly disregarding election laws. She is not above the law, and her flippant attitude on the matter proves Iowans simply can’t trust Theresa.”