With a History of Fraud and Illegal Activity, Iowans Simply Can’t Trust Theresa Greenfield
WATCH: Iowans can’t trust Theresa Greenfield
DAVENPORT, Iowa -- Election Day is just one week away, and today, Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann held a press conference to discuss why Iowans simply can’t trust Theresa Greenfield to represent them in the U.S. Senate.
Greenfield has engaged in a clear pattern of illegal activity. Her first ever attempt to run for public office abruptly ended when her campaign was caught committing felony election fraud, she is facing multiple Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaints, including two different instances where her campaign was caught illegally coordinating with dark money groups, and most recently, she was again accused of skirting campaign finance laws.
What’s more, the FEC flagged Greenfield’s campaign in September for accepting illegal excessive contributions from 18 donors totaling approximately $30,000. They gave her a deadline to respond by October 20, 2020, but she intentionally missed the deadline.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. She also had a disastrous history as a failed real estate executive -- as head of Rottlund Homes, she was sued for fraud, shoddy workmanship, and failing to make payments on time.
WATCH: Iowans can’t trust Theresa Greenfield
“With just one week until Election Day, Greenfield must be upfront and honest about her history of blatantly disregarding election laws,” said Jeff Kaufmann, Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa. “Instead, she is hiding behind over $100 million in outside spending from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and coastal liberals. She is not above the law, and her flippant attitude on the matter proves Iowans simply can’t trust Theresa Greenfield.”